Pétanque: Scores Marker

Pétanque: Scores Marker is an Android application which allows you to count points during pétanque games. Beyond this, the app has many advanced features:

  • possibility to create teams
  • possibility to save the game results of each team depending of their type (friendly or tournament), and possibility to consult the statistics of each team
  • possibility to create “tireurs” players and to keep count their success to throws
  • possibility to consult the history of all played games (with ends and throws details)

The app tots up 55000 downloads and has a rating of 4.3/5, given by its users

We are currently working on a website associated to the app, which will allow to its users to save their data and to consult more detailed statistics.

Link to Google Play

You can see the app from the Google Play.

Last users reviews (2023)

Super application. Simple d’utilisation et efficace. Souvent mise à jour. Que du bon !
Vincent, 06/08/23.

Indispensable, pour passer professionnel ou semi-pro, pour mettre des chiffres, plutôt que des sensations…
Fred, 30/05/23

Love tha app
Tony, 28/05/23

Excelente 👌 gracias
Francisco, 03/03/23

Parfait, merci et bonne pétanque !!
Drow G-C, 16/02/23

Excellente application, très pratique. Le seul bémol : les parties à 3 joueurs ne figurent pas dans l’historique mais pour le reste tout est parfait.
Bruno, 06/02/23

Très bonne application simple d’utilisation avec beaucoup de fonctionnalités.
Famille Poupart, 14/01/23

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