UFI Project - DGAC

We worked for DGAC to realize an Android application in the “contrôle en vol” (in-flight inspection) domain.

“In-flight inspection” consists to check, in flight, the correct working of Landing Aid System (ILS, VOR) of airports, by collecting and analyzing data which are emitted by these systems.

In the context of UFI project, DGAC is currently testing the remplacement of the aircraft which are responsible to take the measures by drone. This drone loads the same sensors and follow the same trajectories than the aircraft.

The aim of the project was to develop an Android app to control this drone. The app is able to:

  • connect itself to a server in order to get the last version of the database containing all the airports which can be checked
  • propose to the user to configure the drone and the ground station, and to program these two devices via Bluetooth
  • get in real-time the measures collected by the drone and display them (between 5 and 10 measures by second)
  • calculate several values on the basis of these measures and display curves which represent these values
  • save all these data, again in real-time, in order to be able to replay or to complete the mission in the future

The mission has been realized in 2023.

Customer opinions

Développeur qui a fait preuve d’autonomie, a été à l’écoute de nos besoins, et a fait preuve d’initiative et réactivité. Je recommande Julien.
Mathieu, project manager.

Julien est un ingénieur de grande qualité qui nous a donné entière satisfaction et qui gagne à être connu.
Bruno, hub manager.

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